We want transportation as reliable as running water
The Rainier Valley segment of the Link Light Rail system is an at-grade segment of the system that links the Beacon Hill tunnel portion with the elevated segments that makes its way to Tukwila and ultimately the Seat-Tac Airport segment of the system. The initial Link Light Rail system stretches for 14 miles from downtown Seattle to Tukwila, Washington.
Early on, the Rainier Valley segment was identified as one of the most difficult segments of the system to build. It is one of the only reaches that is at grade and is positioned along one of the city’s major traffic corridors. This segment has enhanced the quality of the surrounding neighborhoods which is historically known to be the most ethnically diverse area and home of a large portion of the city’s immigrant population.
UrbanTech’s responsibilities included project cost engineering for change management, document management, and administrative assistance to control contractor correspondence, interface with Sound Transit’s Live Link document control system, and Expedition document management.